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Application Submission and Authorization

I acknowledge receipt of BEST CAR DEAL NOW’s Privacy PolicyTerms and Conditions and Consent to Electronic Records and am providing Express Written Consent under the Fair Credit Reporting Act for BEST CAR DEAL NOW, its affiliated entities, affiliated entities, partners, auto dealers and financial institutions to whom you submit my application to obtain consumer credit reports and to gather employment history as necessary and appropriate to determine the creditworthiness associated with my inquiry.

By clicking "Submit Application", I am providing my electronic signature and giving consent to be contacted for sales purposes by BEST CAR DEAL NOW and it’s lenders, and/or participating auto dealers and other third parties at the telephone numbers I have listed in my application. I understand and consent that these calls may use an automated telephone dialing system, text and/or prerecorded message to expedite my request. I understand that consent to these methods is not required in order to submit an application.